Treated Fresh Air Units
Good indoor air quality depends on the effectiveness of the HVAC/ centralized air filtration systems. With the growing concerns over gaseous, chemical, biological, and radiological contaminants, the building managers/operators have to update or modify the existing filtration systems to improve the indoor air quality and maintain the air quality levels as per industry or WHO standards. Advind Healthcare provides various centralized air solutions to ensure that clean and fresh air is circulated in the building and helps in achieving proper ventilation.
Treated Fresh Air Units
Advind Healthcare provides centralized air solutions for treated fresh air units (TFAs) to maintain a good indoor air quality and save energy. To achieve purified fresh air, many of us mistakenly forget to introduce fresh air (balanced CO2) that poses a threat to human health. We offer a wide range of particles and gas filters for treated fresh air units restricting the entry of harmful substances and particles in your indoor space while following energy efficiency requirements. We cater to large, fresh airflow and recovery needs by treating outdoor air using filters and conditioning it using a cooling system. We understand the healthier air standards and provides effective yet sustainable air quality solutions to make you feel like heaven in the indoor environment.